30 days of blogging

 I have decided to set myself the goal of doing 30 days of blogging. I last did the same nearly two years ago. I don't know who reads my blog, it's probably just bots but its a fun thing to do as I am putting less and less on instagram and its a good daily challenge. Today I thought I would show you a picture of my breakfast. It's asparagus season here and have you ever dipped an asparagus spear into a boiled egg? if not you must try it at least once, it's such a nice way to eat both the boiled egg and the spear which has been lightly boiled just to the point of tenderness as you still need that bit of crunch and of course the egg needs to be runny. 

Anyone else care to join me for the next month?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely idea, I blogged just now for the first time in 6 weeks so unlikely I'll do the 30 days with you but I might try to post weekly for a time x
    PS that breakfast looks delicious


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