Neighbourhood walks

 There is a cemetery around the corner from where I live, it is used as a cut through by most people but I love to go there and meander along the paths with my dog Max, as for me, it is one of the most tranquil places in a very busy city. I think about how noisy the traffic is on either side of the cemetery yet within the high walls it is so quiet and peaceful. I have watched the seasons change in the seven months I have lived here, and as we enter summer, meandering paths have been mowed in between high banks of self seeding flowers and weeds. It is such a haven for bees and butterflies and the gravestones sit quietly beneath an ever growing wildflower meadow. I used to try and read the tombstones and they would make me a bit sad so now I acknowledge the occupants and think that they are lying peacefully enjoying their surroundings. These photos were taken by me this afternoon. 

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