July news

 Well July is here and I don't know where summer is but I won't bore you with that weather update. England is in the final on Sunday and spirits are high! Wimbledon has been gripping, I am just loving being in the same time zone again having not watched it for so many years as it was always on at night in Sydney. 

I have also been watching Ripley on Netflix - have you seen it? I am late coming to it as I couldn't imagine how seeing Italy in black and white would be but my goodness, the cinematography is just so beautiful, I couldn't stop watching it and the attention to detail. It has made me want to get my film camera out and shoot black and white again. 

I have been struggling with finding good books lately and have decided to spend the summer reading old books and classics. I am currently reading Natalie Ginzberg - all our yesterdays - first published in 1952 and tells of a family in Italy during the Second World War. I like her style of writing and unlike modern day fiction, it harps back to a life without all the social issues we are constantly bombarded with.

I am loving the summer flowers at the moment and my rental garden is coming together and I'm now able to pick flowers for the table each day which was my objective.

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