New Year

Christmas and New Year passed in a whirlwind with beautiful memories, exhaustion, and a large amount of washing! I do find it hard when everyone goes and the year stretches ahead with no structure, how about you?

I always like to make lists and have a plan in place and my list at the moment includes as always to read more books. I am currently reading John Steinbeck - East of Eden - I was recommend it and am so absorbed, its truly wonderful.

I have decided to spend a bit of time getting back to using film. I have an old polaroid SX70 and a 640 and even though film is ridiculously expensive, I plan to do quite a few photographs over the next month or so. The SX70 is very temperamental and has light leaks and is mostly blurry but it does make beautiful ethereal images. Here is a picture of my dog Max I took yesterday 

I have a few film cameras that I am going to dust off, put some black and white film in enjoy the process of having to wait 31 photos before I can see the finished result. Do you feel like doing this with me too? it might be fun.

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