Black and white Wednesday

I took this picture in the street which is way out of my comfort zone, not brave enough to take faces I took the back of this fellow's head with his hat instead. It's black and white Wednesday over at the long road to China, do have a look at other entries.


  1. Nice shot Justine!

  2. It's not my comfort zone either. Nice people bokeh.

    Becky Sue

  3. Great shot. I too would love to do street photography but just can't seem to get the courage to try it.

  4. You could have kidded me it's outside your comfort zone! It's absolutely great. Well done you.

  5. Very cool shot and I love the bokeh too. I have not gotten up the courage to take shots of strangers yet either.

  6. I agree with the masses....great shot, Justine. Love the sunlight on his left side and how the whole thing comes together. You have such a great eye for the great shot.

  7. I don't like street photography myself because I'm not good at it. I don't have enough courage to face unfamiliar people. Your photo is like me it reminds how I sometimes feel myself as outsider. The man is watching the people which are totally blur so it gives the feeling of he is the outsider.
    Like the photo much:)

  8. I love this shot. :)

    I love street photography. I used to be a lot braver, though. I once snapped a photo of a man sharpening knives (for a living) and he gave me a glare and I quickly went away. I deleted the photo in the end even though it turned out really well. I figured if he didn't want me to take it, I shouldn't use it.

  9. What a perfet B&W shot.. I just love this one!!
    The DOF is looks wonderful..

  10. You are stepping out of your comfort zone -- good for you! The shot is great -- esp. in B&W! I'm hoping to do some street photography today for our class.

  11. Lovely shot Justine and the way you captured the light is so beautiful. The depth of field is excellent too.

  12. Great shot! I feel the same way... I WISH I could just snapping interesting strangers on the street... maybe that ought to be my goal this year?
    Thanks for popping by! :-)

  13. This is a wonderful shot. The dof and B&W tell the story. Fantastic!

  14. Fantastic photo as always....... I'm with you on taking photos of faces in public, a bit too confronting. What would you do if this fellow had heard the camera click and turned around ?

  15. Very cool. I need to get the courage. ha ha!

  16. This is great. Love how the others on the street have become broken bokeh. Nice image.

  17. I really like this shot, what a nice capture!

  18. Brilliant, Justine!
    I know how you feel about face on photography of strangers, it terrifies me!

  19. My style also Justine!!
    Just cannot get brave enough to ask someone for a photograph.
    Don't have to ask my flowers, as they always are willing to pose! :-)
    I like this one!!

  20. I am starting to realize that if there is quite a bit of white, it tends to lend itself to b&w. I love your challenges, repetition, partial... I am looking at my compositions in a whole new light. Now I just need to learn Photoshop!

  21. Me too - I have difficulty with pointing my camera at a stranger. But - what a wonderful capture and effect. All the more so in b&w!

  22. I love the bokeh. This shot is intriguing because we can't see his face!


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