
I am finding no inspiration at all in the rain so poor Mintie was my muse today.  Mintie is the most wonderful dog - four years old next month. She is a labrador retriever which is a breed used for catching pheasants on a shoot but she doesn't do this. She is lovely and fit as both my dogs come running with me. Hettie is my other dog but hates the camera, she is a yellow version of Mintie.


  1. Beautiful doggie. After the last two days the rain is rather uninspirational.

  2. She is beautiful... love her rich color!

  3. She is so gorgeous! I want to give her a pat...what a lovely running companion.

  4. She is a beautiful dog and looks to be so sweet-natured!

  5. At what age were your dogs when you started to run with them? I look forward to doing that with Stella one day but she's not quite a year old.

    Mintie is beautiful.

    Becky Sue

  6. She is beautiful, Justine. I had a white shepard/lab mix that used to run with me. My Snow lived to be 14 y.o and was the best companion ever and the smartest dog I had ever known. Enjoy your time with Mintie.

  7. Beautiful dog! Glad you have at least one warm-blooded creature to pose for you. :)

  8. I love Mintie - she's so beautiful! And isn't she sweet how she is posing here! Sorry I missed a few days - I'll try to catch up over the next days! And I hope to contribute to your flickr group then, too!

  9. What a lovely dog. She looks very comfortable in front of the camera!

  10. How beautifully she has posed for you, are'nt dogs just the best companions: never complaining, always want to be with you no matter what your mood, and when you get home they are so happy to see you and they show it. Oh, and your grass is so green !

  11. Such a great looking dog. She does look really fit.

  12. She is beautiful Justine!
    Wonderful portrait of her!

  13. She is so sweet and the best running partner I bet ~ no complaints ;)

  14. She is beautiful!! She is much more fit than my Ellee, who also doesn't retrieve :-) A friend once asked me if she "hunts". I told him she doesn't realize she is a dog, much less a hunting dog! Ellee will be 4 April 1. Labs just have the sweetest faces!

  15. Oh she is beautiful. I love dogs. My spoodle is a bit small to go on long runs. It would be nice to have the company. Charmaine

  16. super cute. my dog was my muse today too.

  17. What a beautiful dog! She looks so sweet. And your photo looks perfect.. I am just loving that green grass!!
    We don't see much of that here in the desert!

    Hugs, Linda

  18. What a gorgeous dog. I love this breed - always so friendly and happy! Great picture of her. Misty sends her love and licks!!

  19. Aww. She is gorgeous.

  20. Beautiful and very elegant dog!

  21. she has a beautiful face. I had a yellow lab, the best dogs in the world, hands down.


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