More of London

It is a miserable grey day today so instead of taking my camera out I thought I would show you my new view from the sofa in the flat we are renting for the next six weeks. We have a small balcony seven floors up but I am scared of heights and won't go on it - silly I know but 7 floors is still 7 floors and of course the children love to scare me and lean over it precariously. The view we have across that you can just make out in this shot is of the tower of Westminster Cathedral but it looks best on a sunny day so I will save that shot for another day.


  1. Such a great view Justine - can't wait to see it when the sun comes out. Must be wonderful to be right in the middle of London and amongst all the action for a little while

  2. Wonderful balcony shot, Justine. Love the iron railing. Look forward to seeing it on a sunny day.

  3. So cool. Love it in black and white!

  4. a beautiful shot!! the light here looks beautiful in black and white!!

  5. Looks wonderful Justine.
    Fantastic in black and white!

  6. Beautiful view, esp. in b&w! Love your composition! Gina

  7. That is a great shot of your balcony Justine! I adore that iron railing and the container plant outside. Lovely in B&W too!

  8. I love your view, Justine! So wonderful in black & white, and so beautiful even on a grey day! I hope there will be some sun soon! It's raining here and so cold again.

  9. Wow - what an amazing view!

  10. Wow, very jealous!

  11. You've got yourself quite a spot, in a great part of the city. Enjoy. And you don't have to lean out the balcony. (Ha.)

    Black and white seems to suit London gray days just fine.

  12. Look at the ironwork on that balcony, beautiful from any location. :)

  13. How exciting and seemingly so different from your previous circumstance.

    Becky Sue

  14. What a lovely view you have! Nice shot in black and white.

  15. Such a beautiful balcony and what a view you have!

  16. very elegant. Charmaine

  17. Amazing how a gray day can look so fabulous in B & W! Wish I was there! Perhaps on our next trip to Europe!

  18. How wonderful to be able to look out over London from the comfort of your couch! I love this b&w shot!

  19. Perfect B&W!! I love shots like this...perfect mood.

  20. It looks like you've found a really nice temporary home! Can't wait to see the view in the sunshine. But then, I can't wait to see the sunshine full stop!

  21. The view is lovely. Especially love the wrought iron rail.

  22. Looks like a cozy and lovely space. Can't wait to see the view on a sunny day.

  23. Love the b&w. And your header pic is breathtaking. What is that?

  24. I always wanted to stay in a place with windows like doors from floor to ceiling!

  25. Lovely. Although a gray day, it's a beautiful view. Hope you have a great week.


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