A few things

 I have just read Leanne's blog over at knowing where to stand and she has done a post using alphabetical prompts so I thought I would give it a go too. I am struggling to blog and thinking about what to write leads to me spending too long with my fingers hovering over the keyboard so this seems an easier option. We have now been in London for a month and I thought I would take stock.

Admiring - London is a city for watching, I am a people watcher and it drives my family mad as I invariably point too, which isn't good. I love standing on the tube seeing what people are wearing, what colour their glasses are, hats, shoes, hours of watching. I also find people are so polite even thought they are all squashed in like sardines and you are inches away from someones armpit whilst hanging onto the rail.

Becoming - I feel I am becoming a bit more used to things after being here a month. It still doesn't feel like home but slowly I am become better at navigating all the endless forms we keep having to fill in, getting from A - Z and finding quicker routes to places. 

Curious - I am curious about our neighbours, the street is very quiet and I never see anyone to introduce myself to but there is a street what's app group that we now belong to and it is buzzing with requests for a guitar teacher, dog walker, cleaner etc, and also chat about strange people in the street, some attempted break ins (scary) and general chit chat. I feel I would like to ask a question but I'm not quite ready.

Delighted - that my tulip bulbs arrived yesterday and I can plant them in my tiny rental garden and ignore the fact it has fake grass in it.

Excited - there are so many exhibitions and plays to see in London. I have set myself the goal of doing something cultural once a week and it's such an easy goal. 

Feeling - so many feelings at the moment, feeling sad about missing Sydney but happy I am with my children. Feeling excited about seeing my dog again next week and I wonder how he will adapt to London life. Feeling lost whilst I try to establish a routine. 

Going - to Richmond Park early in the morning next week with my camera to try and capture the deer as its rutting season! 

Helping - the local flower shop by treating myself to a beautiful bunch of flowers once a week.

Imploring - my husband to let me buy yet another cookbook as they are all coming out for Christmas and I am convinced there are so many brand new recipes in them.

Joking - I do love the British sense of humour and most days something in the press will make me laugh.

Knowing - I am about to have a long cold winter and I need to buy a coat to prepare.

Loving - all that is on offer here in London to nourish the mind.

Making - I'm off to do a baking course with my daughter this afternoon.

Next - I have to clean the house.

Observing - the tiny little birds in the park and squirrels everywhere and that no one wears exercise clothes all day long like they do in Sydney!

Posting - Trying to get back into instagram with London views and Leanne and I have started posting again on our instagram account

Questioning - why I need five passwords to sign up to the local doctors surgery.

Reading - Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope - absolutely wonderful, funny, engaging and because it's a classic, I need to slow down and really concentrate. If you haven't read any Anthony Trollope I really suggest you give him a go.

Staying - in the moment, trying not to think too much about the past.

Trying - to make new friends, gosh it's hard!

Understanding - I need to be in nature and realising that I can't really do that in London so I will need to get to the countryside once a week for my wellbeing.

Viewing - I am looking forward to watching the David Beckham documentary that starts next week as for some reason I have always loved him! 

Welcoming - autumn and seeing the colours change. 

X - examining the supermarket shelves in great detail as everything looks so different here. Sadly shoplifting is crazy here so even cheese and butter are locked.

Yes - trying to say yes and be more positive.

Z - zero is the temperature I hope won't happen too often over the next few months for our first winter in England after 10 years.

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