
 As you have probably gathered, I am an avid reader and I always have to have a book on the go. I love reading fiction, I find non fiction just goes in my head for a nano second and then it's gone. I used to read endless biographies when I was younger but now I love being absorbed in the characters and plot. I also read that we should continue to read novels as we age as it helps ward off dementia remembering characters and storylines.

The book I am currently reading is Blue Ruin by Hari Kunzru and I find the storyline absolutely fascinating as it's something that could happen to any of us. It's set during covid, which is always a no for me in books but this is necessary for the plot. A woman opens the door fully masked up when the delivery man arrives and as he arrives at the required social distance space, he looks up and sees that it's his first love from 20 years ago who is standing in front of him. He is now living in his car and hasn't washed for four days and has had covid but suffering from the side effects whereas she lives in a beautiful house and of course looks amazing. He collapses and she takes pity on him and lets him sleep in the outbuilding and I won't give the rest away. Anyway, I am half way through and can't put it down as the stories of their lives together lead you through how he ended up being homeless etc. It has made me think what would you do if you saw someone you knew from the past and your lives had changed so much, in completely different directions? 


  1. This sounds interesting - I‘ve just added this book to my TBR list!

  2. Sorry, I wanted to mention my name, as I don’t want to comment anonymously… it‘s Rosie Grey


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