
 I am trying to make my rental garden look less like a rental garden so I have planted cosmos and delphiniums and jasmine and geraniums to name a few plants but each morning I go out to have a look and they all have a snail trail across them and a few leaves have been munched. Not only does England have a moth infestation (jumpers have to be stored in special wrapping or placed in the freezer - who knew?) but it also has a snail infestation! Apparently there is nothing to be done, snail poison is no longer an acceptable item and we are told just to live alongside the snails. I know this is the right thing to do but it does make me sad that most of the plants I bought do look very sad and I am just hoping they will bounce back. Anyone out there have any old wives remedies?

1 comment:

  1. I‘m so sorry! With the very wet spring this year there are so many snails here, too. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any remedies. This is the one time I’m glad we only have a small balcony - snails don’t make it up there! Rosie Grey


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