
How is your November going? mine is racing by as I adapt to London life and the change of seasons. I read an article the other day about how everyone in the UK complains about the weather but we are in fact so lucky to have four seasons. These are very distinct seasons that require a complete change every three months from food to clothing, from sun to snow, and something that I had completely forgotten about for the last ten years of living in Sydney. At the moment the pavements are covered in all kinds of beautiful colours from the falling leaves. I am trying to find beauty in every walk here and I am constantly drawn to the local Cemetery which sounds rather morbid but is actually very beautiful and a lovely oasis of green and an escape from the streets where everyone seems to be in a huge rush. I have also been experimenting with using a vintage lens on my DSLR. I have been using my old Nikon 50mm with an adapter and its fun to manually focus and get that vintage look to my photos. 

Something else I love doing at this time of year is planting up my hyacinth bulbs indoors. I have been buying bulbs off the street flower sellers and just taking them out of their pots and placing them in various bowls - the one here is actually a vintage pestle and mortar, perfect for the job. These small rituals bring colour to the house on a cold winter day which I know is coming. 

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